Anatolii Lazarenko CURRICULUM VITAE:
1981: Ph.D. (Candidate of Science, Phys.-Math.) in "Radiophysics including Quantum one",
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), USSR, concerning development and investigation of bulk electro-optic diffraction light modulator (classified).
1972-1978: M.S.,
MIPT Department of Physical and Quantum Electronics , Chair of Optical Information Systems ( with distinction).
Job and Career History/Working Positions
Aug 2018 - till now, iXYt GmbH representative in Ukraine, ixyt.info SEO-specialist.
May 4, 2020 — Dec. 31 2020 Senior research fellow at the Laboratory of Ionic Processes, Kharkiv National University. Experiments preparation, translation into English monography “ION-PHOTON EMISSION PHENOMENON”.
1991- Sept. 2017 Associate Professor at General and Experimental Physics Chair, Laser Laboratory chief,
National Technical University "KhPI" (NTU "KhPI" , Kharkiv, Ukraine. Responsible for new courses development and implementation in Laser Laboratory (Quantum Radiophysics and Non-linear Optics; Laser and Fibre Optic Devices; Laser techniques and Technology, Laser Technologies), laboratory works and manuals for them, distant course in optical measurements (HTML).
Lecturer in General Physics and above mentioned special courses in Physics, laboratory works supervisor.
Part-time senior research fellow in joint R&D project in laser flame control of coils quality, post graduate student supervisor (three years).
1986-1991: Assistant Professor at the same Chair, NTU "KhPI". Lecturer in General Physics, in charge of Laser Laboratory organization (equipment selection and purchasing, installations development and adjustment).
Lecturer in General Physics and laboratory works supervisor.
1986-1993: Part-time senior research fellow in joint R&D projects:
- semiconductor laser-to-fibre holographic coupling based on chalcogenide glasses photosensitive media;
- optic fibre end lens formation by CO
2 laser melting and those lens studying;
- stimulated Brillouin scattering in chalcogenide glasses.
1982-1986: Senior research fellow, Military Engineering Radio-Technical Academy of Anti-aircraft Defence, Kharkiv. In charge of group for wave front reversal by stimulated Brillouin scattering.
1978-1981: Part-time junior research fellow at "Astrophysics" Scientific-Production Corp., Moscow, responsible for electroptical diffraction modulator development.
- Four month grants of invited professor at
University Paris-13, laboratory LIMHP CNRS (1999, 2000,2001,2002, 2011).
native ones - Russian, Ukrainian;
others - English (comprehension: reading - good, listening - worse, speaking - good, writing - see this text and publications from list below, this site ).
- Polish, French - can read .
- >20 years experience in laser and optoelectronic systems development, assembling, adjustment and maintenance. Lasers used: YAG:Nd3+ cw and pulsing (free generation and different types of active and passive Q-switching, first, second and third harmonics, Spectra Physics Quanta Ray with MOPO converter), YAG:Nd3+ amplifiers, copper vapor lasers and amplifiers, organic dyes solutions, CO2, Ar, He-Cd, He-Ne, nitrogen, and semiconductor ones.
- new optical devices development, patent disclosures writing and having an argument with patent office (18 patents).
- non-linear effects obtaining and/or suppression and their spectroscopy (stimulated Brillouin and Raman scatterings, wavefront reversal - including in glass and capillary waveguides; parametric frequency conversion, gain and absorption saturation, luminescence), correlation spectroscopy.
- precision optical elements adjustment – laser resonator mirrors and Q-switching crystals,
harmonics generation crystals, fibres, planar and capillary waveguides (with liquid core, including specific liquids up to TiCl
4 ), interferometers.
- laser light parameters improvement, longitudinal and transversal modes selection.
- laser drilling, cutting and welding by pulsing and cw YAG:Nd
3+ lasers, fibre ends melting by CO
2 laser for lens production.
- holograms recording (organic photorhesist and As
3 + Ag ) and their halvanic replica making.
- communication skills: collaboration in international, multi-cultural research team, participation at international conferences.
- > 15 years experience in student education and teaching: lecturing in General Physics and above mentioned special courses with giving exercises in appropriate laboratory courses, laboratory works development, installations assembling and handbooks writing
- independent projects: development of
technology for home/office laser/jet printing on "wallpaper" holographic self-adhesive films and
sparkling at sunshine advertising board ,
Liner/Coating Technology for Faucet Spouts, Technology to Reduce Foaming in a Boiler,
assistance in development and testing of thermosensor diagnostics system for laser welding
Social activity:
http://ukraine.exrus.eu/en/ , https://ukr.syla.top
3D video, new laser, optic, fibreoptic and optoelectronic devices and systems development, improvement and testing.
HW Experience:
IBM PC 386, 486, Pentium, LAN, modem, digital camera etc.
SW Experience:
Windows, Linux, MS and OpenOffice, CorelDRAW, HTML, etc.; Mathlab, Maple, Origin;
PUBLICATIONS in English after 2000:
1. Bandgap energy of graphite-like hexagonal boron nitride, Solozhenko V.L.; Lazarenko A.G.; Petitet
J-P.; Kanaev A.V., Journ. of Phys. and Chem. of Solids. 2001; 62 (7), pp. 1331-1334;
2. Angle of synchronism naturally tuning device for CARS stimulation by signal of parametric
generator, Lazarenko A. G., Andreev A. N., Kanaev A. V., Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on
Optoelectronics&Lasers, Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine, 16-20Sept. 2003, v.2.
3. Dynamical Light Scattering Method For Particle Size Determination Using Optical Fibres , M. Rivallin, M. Benmami, A. Gaunand, A. Andreev, A. Lazarenko, A. Kanaev, Proceedings of the ECCE-4 (21-25/09/2003), Topic 8 - Solid Handling, p.O-8.1-006.
4. Dynamical Light Scattering Method For Particle Size Determination Using Optical Fibres, M. Rivallin, M. Benmami, A. Gaunand, A. Andreev, A. Lazarenko, A. Kanaev, Chemical & Engineering Technology (J. Wiley) (2003) acceptee.
5. Possibilities of implanted control in stimulated light scattering experiments
Lazarenko A. G., Andreev A. N., Kanaev A. V., Proc. SPIE Vol. 5582, p. 179-186, Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, -2004.
6. High Frequency Light Self-Modulation in Simple Interference Scheme, Lazarenko A. G., Kanaev A. V., Andreev A. N., Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. on Laser and Fiber-Optical Networks Modeling, Kharkiv. Ukraine, 6-9 Sept. 2004, pp. 41-44.
7. Pulses Transformations in Running Wave Interferometers, A. G. Lazarenko, A. V. Kanaev, In: proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, p. 177-180 (2005).
8. Input signal profile influence on output spectra of running wave amplifying interferometer for terahertz spectroscopy, Lazarenko A. G., Kanaev A. V., Andreev A. N., Proc. of 8th Int. Conf. on Laser and Fiber-Optical Networks Modeling, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 29June-01July,. 2006, pp.145-148.
9. Inexpensive Correlation Gauge for Nanoparticles Dimensions Measurement in Liquid and it's Accuracy of Measurement, Andreev A.N., Lazarenko A.G., Kanaev A.V.,Proc. 3nd Int. Conf. on Advanced Optoelectronics&Lasers (CAOL2008), Alushta, Crimea, Ukraine, 29Sept.-04 Oct. 2008, pp.331-333.
10. Thermosensor Diagnostics (TSD) of Laser Welding Process, A.F. Keremzhanov, P.P. Arkhipov, A.G. Lazarenko , Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Advanced Optoelectronics&Lasers (CAOL2010), Sevastopol, Crimea, Ukraine, Sept.10-14 2010, pp.259-261.
11. Error Definition for Nanoparticles Size in Liquid Measured by Correlation Spectroscopy Method, A. G. Lazarenko, A. N. Andreev, A. V. Kanaev, Proc. of 11th Int. Conf. on Laser and Fiber-Optical Networks Modeling, Kharkiv, Ukraine, Sept. 4-8, 2011, pp. 70-71
12. Lazarenko A.G., Andreev A.N., Ben Amar M., Chhor K., Kanaev A.V. Agitated reactor with in situ nanoparticle size control by light scattering photon correlation spectroscopy // Proceeding of 6-st International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers. – 2013. – P. 352–354
13. Andreev A.N., Lazarenko A.G., Kanaev A.V. Application of running wave interferometer in correlation spectroscopy // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. – 2012. V. 71, № 3. – P. 259–264.
14. Andreev A.N., Lazarenko A.G. Hypothesis, proposal and some estimates for enhanced abiogenesis experiment// 2018, Munich, Germany, Proceedings of the CAS Conference Molecular original of life. - p.49, https://www.emergence-of-life.de/past-events/181011-12_mom_abstractbook.pdf .
15. Andreev A.N., Lazarenko A.G., Andreeva O.N. Particularities of scattering signal processing in correlation spectroscopy // Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. - 2017, V. 76, № 4. p. 315–325. DOI: 10.1615/TelecomRadEng.v76.i4.40 , http://www.dl.begellhouse.com/journals/0632a9d54950b268,25dc079238808bb5,76616b4345598003.html
16. Lazarenko A.G., Andreev A.N., Andreeva O.N., Kanaev A.V. Research of output signal spectrum of active running-wave interferometer // Proceedings 13th International Conference on Laser and Fiber-Optical Networks Modeling, LFNM 2016, P. 45-47. DOI: 10.1109/LFNM.2016.7851225
17. Lazarenko A.G., Andreev A.N., Kanaev A.V. Origin of life experiment enlightened by laser // Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, CAOL, 2016, p. 83 — 84 . DOI: 10.1109/CAOL.2016.7851384